Our tuners are based in the South East and on the Welsh Borders so are ideally placed to cover tuning and maintenance work in London and the Home counties and also Wales, the South West and the Midlands.
Recent work has also now included St Mary Alvediston, cleaning and overhaul, St Cuthbert Wood Green bellows repair, St Cattwg Llanmaes (The Gavin & Stacy wedding church) major repair work to the action, St John Sedlescombe derivation machine re leathered, Streatham and Clapham High School clean and overhaul, St Peter Cheddar clean and overhaul,
We offer tuning and maintenance as an on-going service. The frequency and length of your visits can be tailored to your needs.
We are always on hand to deal with any organ-related emergencies or problems as quickly as possible, or simply to offer advice over the phone.
We will always try to undertake minor organ repairs during a tuning visit. However, more major repair work which cannot be combined with a tuning visit, is carried out on a separate pre-arranged visit or incorporated into a more comprehensive repair programme.
Most of the instruments in our care are tuned in Equal Temperament but we are happy to tune in various historical, unequal temperaments if required.
Our Welsh tuning round has grown over the last few years and incudes organs such as the new Spath a Swiss built instrument in St Peter’s Roath, St Peter Carmarthen, Carmarthen Tabernacle Chapel Monmouth Boys School Chapel and Music School, St John Old Sodbury, St John Sodbury, St Peter Newnham St Peter Cheddar and many others across Wales and the west country.
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